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Quran Tafsir

Holistic and easy to follow learning online Quran learning experience for kids.

Quran Tafsir

Quran Tafsir Online Course

With the start of a new year, many people are looking for ways to improve their lives and get closer to Allah. One way to do this is by taking a Quran Tafsir online course. Although there are many Quran Tafsir courses available, not all of them are easy to understand. However, there is a new Quran Tafsir  online course that is really easy to understand! This course is designed to help beginners learn the essentials of Quran interpretation, and it covers all the major points of the Quran. The course is divided into four sections, and each section covers a different topic. The first section covers the basics of the Quran, the second section covers the different interpretations of the Quran, the third section covers the different types of Tafsir, and the fourth section covers the different methods of Tafsir. We are thrilled to announce that QuranForKids.Online is offering this course.

The basics of the Quran Tafsir Online

The Quran is the sacred book of Islam. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years and contains 114 surahs, or chapters. Each surah of the Quran is divided into verses. The Quran is divided into four main sections: the Meccan surahs, the Medinan surahs, the juz’, and the sajdah.

The Meccan surahs are those that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad while he was living in Mecca. These surahs make up the majority of the Quran and are generally shorter than the Medinan surahs. The Medinan surahs are those that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad after he migrated from Mecca to Medina. These surahs are generally longer than the Meccan surahs and deal with more practical matters such as governance, warfare, and family law.

The Quran is divided into 30 juz’, or sections. Each juz’ contains two parts: the first part is called Juz’ ‘Amma and consists of the last 30 surahs of the Quran, while the second part is called Juz’ Tabarak and consists of the first 29 surahs of the Quran.

The sajdah, or prostration, is a special position that is to be assumed during prayer. There are 15 places in the Quran where the sajdah is to be performed, and these are known as the “15 verses of prostration.”

The different interpretations of the Quran

There are many different interpretations of the Quran. The different interpretations of the Quran can be divided into four main categories. The four main categories of interpretation are literal, metaphorical, allegorical, and eschatological. Each of these four interpretive categories has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The literal interpretation of the Quran is the most straightforward approach. It takes the words of the Quran at face value and interprets them according to their literal meaning. This approach is simple and easy to understand, but it can also be quite limiting. The literal interpretation does not take into account the historical or cultural context in which the Quran was revealed. It also does not account for the fact that some words in the Quran have multiple meanings. For this very reason we offer Quran tafsir online course for you and your kids.

The metaphorical interpretation of the Quran takes a more symbolic approach. It sees the words of the Quran as metaphors for deeper truths. This approach can be very powerful and revealing, but it can also be open to a lot of interpretation and speculation.

The allegorical interpretation of the Quran takes an even more symbolic approach. It sees the events described in the Quran as allegories for spiritual truths. This approach can be very insightful, but it can also be quite abstract and difficult to understand.

The eschatological interpretation of the Quran looks at the end times prophecies in the Quran. This approach is mainly concerned with understanding what will happen at the end of the world. This approach can be very useful in understanding the Quran’s teachings on salvation and Judgment Day, but it can also be quite speculative.

The different types of Tafsir

There are four main types of Tafsir: literal, historical, spiritual, and devotional. Literal Tafsir is the interpretation of the Quran that takes the words at face value. Historical Tafsir is the interpretation of the Quran that looks at the historical context of the verses. Spiritual Tafsir is the interpretation of the Quran that looks at the spiritual meaning of the verses. Devotional Tafsir is the interpretation of the Quran that looks at the verses in terms of their personal significance.

Literal Tafsir is based on the principle of taking the words of the Quran at face value. The literal meaning of a word is its dictionary definition. The literal meaning of a verse is the meaning that is apparent from the verses taken as a whole. For example, when Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah, “Do you not believe? Say, ‘Indeed, we do believe.’ And do not say, ‘Indeed, we have not yet believed.'” (Quran 2:136-137), the literal meaning of this verse is that we should have faith and not say that we haven’t yet believed.

Historical Tafsir looks at the historical context of the verses to interpret their meaning. For example, when Allah says in Surah Al-Ma’idah, “O you who have believed, do not kill game while you are in ihram.” (Quran 5:95), the historical context of this verse is that it was revealed during a time when people used to go on hunting expeditions during their pilgrimage. So, this verse is prohibiting them from killing game while they are on their pilgrimage.

Spiritual Tafsir looks at the spiritual meaning of the verses to interpret their meaning. For example, when Allah says in Surah Al-‘Ankabut, “And We have made your sleep for rest” (Quran 29:60), the spiritual meaning of this verse is that sleep is a time when our souls can rest and rejuvenate.

Devotional Tafsir looks at the verses in terms of their personal significance. For example, when Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah, “And establish prayer and give Zakah” (Quran 2:43), the personal significance of this verse is that prayer and giving Zakah are two important acts of worship that we should do regularly.

The different methods of Tafsir

As we have seen, there are three different methods of Tafsir: literal, historical, and thematic. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and each can be used to help understand the Quran.

The literal method is the most common method of Tafsir. This method focuses on the literal meaning of the Quran. The literal method is helpful because it can give us a clear understanding of what the Quran is saying. However, the literal method can also be limiting because it does not take into account the historical context of the Quran.

The historical method of Tafsir looks at the Quran in its historical context. This method can be helpful because it can give us a deeper understanding of the Quran. The historical method can also be limiting because it does not take into account the overall message of the Quran.

The thematic method of Tafsir looks at the Quran as a whole. This method can be helpful because it can give us a better understanding of the overall message of the Quran. However, the thematic method can also be limiting because it does not take into account the historical context of the Quran.

This new Quran Tafsir online course is a great way to learn the essentials of Quran interpretation. It’s easy to understand and covers all the major points of the Quran. The course is divided into four sections, each covering a different topic. The first section covers the basics of the Quran, the second section covers the different interpretations of the Quran, the third section covers the different types of Tafsir, and the fourth section covers the different methods of Tafsir. Let’s learn Quran tafsir online with our well trained and knowledgeable teachers.

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